Saturday, May 22, 2010

What makes you Laugh?

Laughter is great for your health. So what makes you laugh? Lets get the ball rolling. A good movie like  Ye Maya Chesave  will always bring a smile to my face.A funny book. Terry Pratchet discworld books usually makes me laugh.

Funny incidents that happen. Being with really good friends and having funny conversations about things. (Izzy)

The best way to get a laugh is not to take yourself and life too seriously. Whenever I'm going through a problematic/irritating episode I remind myself that, with the right slant, it will make a very funny story to tell in the tea room at work! Not that I always take my own advice of course (and very rarely at the time!) and some things that happen are too serious/sad to be funny however it is quite an effective method for cutting difficulties down to size.

I do love simple things... The laughter of others at my feigned ineptitude makes me laugh..though I keep it to is even funnier if those that find my antics amusing attempt to disguise their smiles.. Life is actually full of humour..small practical jokes that dont hurt anyone are sweet to me.. Our house is one of laughter..when this is lost a great deal is lost.. Television does provide much humor of course..but for me real life humor is the best..often subtle ..sometimes missed..but so valuable...

            Laughter is a real tonic . . . to laugh literally lifts the spirits . . . many things make me laugh . . . I have laughed so hard that I have been in tears and thought I could laugh no more and then been taken beyond . . . you’ve heard of the phrase “wet yourself with laughter” . . . I’ll say no more! :wink: I find all sorts of things amusing . . . usually those things that I don’t see coming, rather than a joke with an obvious punchline . . . perhaps a comment that can be taken in a way that it was not originally intended . . . and I love comedy films. I often find that something tickles me so much I am giggling away for hours about the same thing! I think it is something to do with having a good imagination! Keep smiling :

         I find with our little one his ticklish just under the shoulder blade. And laughter does produce laughter, us adults laugh far too little maybe we need more fun comedies on TV.

         For me , it is the unexpected happening, like this morning. We have a big garden with about a dozen currant bushes of all colours. The birds love them, but only at the red stage. Once the black o0nes have turned black they are ignored and the white ones are never touched. As my mother no longer manages them, last year I just netted half of the bushes for my use, leaving the rest for the birds. This year they started to turn red over the weekend and I have seen the blackbirds starting to fly off with a bright red berry in their beaks. There is one greedy female, trying to keep them all for herself, chasing the others away. About an hour ago there was a terrific racket out there. I really though the cat next door was causing mayhem and dashed out. There was this blackbird chasing a magpie out of the apple tree overlooking the fruit bushes. She chased it full about quarter of a mile, at full voice, before returning to carry on eating. If it is the same one as last year, she challenged me when I went to pick some. Love and smiles Joy

. . . you’ve heard of the phrase “wet yourself with laughter” . . . I’ll say no more!:  Now I have to confess, being in a menopausal state and not having the strongest bladder in the world, I can fully relate to you on this one my dear!!!!
well there are so many things that make me laugh i dont want to miss any opportunity of laughing all my life it brings those happines back to us and makes us remember the best times i have had together with my loved ones .
Making friends at freshers' week
Where are you from? What course are you doing? What A-levels did you do? What grades did you get? Where are you staying? What clubs have you joined?

With the same questions spewing out of everyone's mouths you'll be hard pressed to have an original conversation, or to stand out from the crowd. If you want people to remember your name you best come up with some more entertaining ways to make friends.

Ice breakers:
Wear a T-shirt with the answers to all the above questions and say, "fancy a pint?" instead.

Say: "I'm from Mars, I already have a PhD in Cybernetics and just came down to Earth for the party".

Dress obscurely; those lime green hot pants are sure to pass comment. Especially if you're a guy.

Get yourself a famous mate/lover and get them to drop you off at uni. Make sure they are credible; everyone will want to know you.

Organise the party to end all parties at your halls, for which the entrance password is your name, everyone will have a great time, and know you were responsible for it.

General tips to becoming popular:

Get out more. The TV is not your friend: the East End Mitchells are fictional, go meet some real people.

Talk to strangers. Your mum may well have told you to stay away from them as a kid, but parties are for meeting people. By making the first move you have taken the pressure off the other person and they will probably be relieved to have someone to talk to.

Join a club or two - whatever your interest, be it scuba or sewing there will be something for you and it is much easier to talk to people when you have common interests.


Introduce yourself early on in the conversation, and take an interest in the other person's answers.

Ask open-ended questions that allow the chat to flow easily, rather than closed questions that are just going to be answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no' and an awkward silence as you try to think of something interesting to say.

If you hit it off, swap email addresses or phone numbers, if you contact them again a chain reaction will be set off where you will be out meeting more and more people. As always, consider your personal safety with anyone you don't know very well, and don't rush into giving them your home address or similar details straight away.

Friendships tend to just happen, it just takes the effort to get talking to people and to stay in touch. It won't happen overnight, so don't panic if you didn't make that lifelong best friend by day three of Freshers Week.

Avoid campus freak.

Dye your hair pink, adjust your dress sense, and pretend to be a completely different person who just moved in after 'Fred' dropped out.

Match them up with another clinger; they can cry on each other's shoulders, you can live again.

Spend your student loan on a hit man.

Claim to have a contagious disease.

Take them to new members night at a cult, then they can worship something other than you.

Friday, May 21, 2010

This part of life at OUCE is filled with fun only - and a frisk of study (when exams are on). Two students share a single room, which has enough space for 2 beds, 2 study tables and chairs, and 2 Godrej almirahs. The Dining Hall is adjacent to the boys' hostel, which serves arguably the best food amongst all the all universities in Ap. The boys' hostel has a TV room - used quite a lot, especially in the evenings. Students go crazy over football and cricket (especially IPL) matches, creating a stadium like environment with supporters of various teams. People are always on high-adrenaline here. Apart from this, there is also a volly ball court where students usually are seen playing volly ball, chess and other indoor games.. We also have a computer room...has 5 well configured computers which people can use for whatever the purpose. Then there is a reading room - it is the only place that actually has the study "ambience" - quiet, well lit environment. This is also the place where all the newspapers are also kept daily for student store beside the . . One also enjoys outdoor sports in a different barbaric manner...we play football, volleyball and cricket with vigor on a small field in front of the Dining Hall. It's great playing football at whatever the time( it is lit by some vapor lamps) at the field which we like to call - New Trafford. the Birthdays....the celebration starts on midnight with cake (usually smashed on the birthday boy's face), soft drinks and of course the ever famous birthday bumps! Celebrating birthdays in the hostels' has become a tradition now and everyone looks forward to it. So, to sum it up in short, that's Hostel Life... What we call "Home Sweet Home" !