Friday, May 21, 2010

This part of life at OUCE is filled with fun only - and a frisk of study (when exams are on). Two students share a single room, which has enough space for 2 beds, 2 study tables and chairs, and 2 Godrej almirahs. The Dining Hall is adjacent to the boys' hostel, which serves arguably the best food amongst all the all universities in Ap. The boys' hostel has a TV room - used quite a lot, especially in the evenings. Students go crazy over football and cricket (especially IPL) matches, creating a stadium like environment with supporters of various teams. People are always on high-adrenaline here. Apart from this, there is also a volly ball court where students usually are seen playing volly ball, chess and other indoor games.. We also have a computer room...has 5 well configured computers which people can use for whatever the purpose. Then there is a reading room - it is the only place that actually has the study "ambience" - quiet, well lit environment. This is also the place where all the newspapers are also kept daily for student store beside the . . One also enjoys outdoor sports in a different barbaric manner...we play football, volleyball and cricket with vigor on a small field in front of the Dining Hall. It's great playing football at whatever the time( it is lit by some vapor lamps) at the field which we like to call - New Trafford. the Birthdays....the celebration starts on midnight with cake (usually smashed on the birthday boy's face), soft drinks and of course the ever famous birthday bumps! Celebrating birthdays in the hostels' has become a tradition now and everyone looks forward to it. So, to sum it up in short, that's Hostel Life... What we call "Home Sweet Home" !

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